CRA, NextJS, Gatsby - różnice
“React vs. Next vs. Gatsby – czym się różnią? ⌨️ hello roman #84” [YT 18:19] - O związkach pomiędzy CRA, NextJS i Gatsbym, a przede wszystkim o różnicach pomiędzy nimi. Z grubsza rzecz biorąc:
- CRA: aplikacja wrzucana na serwer w formie plików statycznych i pobierana z serwera; pobrana działa po stronie klienta. Strona to pusty HTML, wszystko jest w app (<div id=“app”></div>), React wstrzykuje tam DOM i wszystkie funkcje. W procesie renderowania aplikacji pobierane są dane z jakiegoś API (może być CMS). Słabe SEO. Natychmiastowe przetwarzanie danych.
- Next.js: Server Side Rendering, aplikacja Node.js działająca na serwerze, która renderuje zapytanie klienta i wysyła gotową stronę. Duże wymagania wobec dewelopera i serwera (nie wszędzie jest usługa Noe.js). Dobre SEO. Do elemetów strony można dodać w plikach JS reaktywność: walidacja formularza, ankieta. Tzw rehydration czyli wstrzyknięcie Reacta do HTML. Wydajność i łatwość indeksowania, ranking. Dane pobierane są na serwerze w czasie renderowania. Next renderuje zmiany z API natychmiast na serwerze.
- Gatsby: Build time server rendering. Podczas builda wszystkie pliki są przygotowane do wysłania na serwer, wszystkie routy wyrenderowane, wtedy też pobierane są dane przez graphQL z API. Po wysłaniu na serwer dostęp do danych normalnie nie jest możliwy. Klient dostaje wyrenderowana strone statyczną z serwera oraz JS, który zapewnia mu reaktywność reactową, tak samo rehydration. To React z dodatkami, generator PWA. Dane moga byc pobierane w momencie wykonywania pliku JS axios w komponencie do API. Wszystko co jest mozliwe w Reaccie jest możliwe w Gatsbym. Gatsby circleCI buduje na nowo za każdą zmiana w API, trzeba chwilkę poczekać.
Porównanie SSR i stron statycznych: Next.js: Server-side Rendering vs. Static Generation
Na moim blogu jest seria wpisów, które gruntownie omawiają Gatsby’ego od instalacji przez budowę strony, CSS, pluginy po deploy i blog MDX - Hello, Gatsby!. Powtarzające się treści zostały lub wkrótce zostaną usunięte z niniejszego artykułu.
Integracja z NetlifyCMS
Headless Drupal
- Maciej Łukiański “Headless Drupal - What, When,How & Where -The Ultimate Guide To Decoupled Drupal”
- Ana “A Short Introduction to Headless Drupal”
- ADCI Solutions “How to create a headless Drupal site”
- Dries Buytaert “How to decouple Drupal in 2019”
Instalacja Drupala z bazą danych.
Włączenie wszystkich Usług Web
Serializacja encji przy użyciu formatu Hypertext Application Language.
HTTP Basic Authentication
Dostarcza uwierzytelnienie w trybie HTTP Basic authentication
Exposes entities as a JSON:API-specification-compliant web API.
RESTful Web Services
Udostępnia encje i inne zasoby w postaci RESTful web API
Provides a service for (de)serializing data to/from formats such as JSON and XML.
Utworzenie nwego rodzaju zawartości, np. Blog.
Utworzenie nwego widoku np. “Blog API”
Ścieżka: /api/blog
Uwierzytelnianie: Bez autoryzacji
Dostęp: Rola | Użytkownik anonimowy
Sprawdzic w trybie anonimowym czy jest dostepny pod adresem /jsonapi
Trzeba opublikować przynajmniej jeden wpis.
Instalacja pluginu gatsby-source-drupal
resolve: `gatsby-source-drupal`,
options: {
baseUrl: `http://api.domena/`,
apiBase: `jsonapi`, // optional, defaults to `jsonapi` ; old 'api' - z każdą zmianą trzeba restartować Gatsby'ego
I dopiero teraz można znowu uruchomić Gatsbiego, tak żeby pociągnął dane z Drupala.
query MyQuery {
allNodeBlog {
nodes {
body {
Brian Perry “Understanding the Limitations of Gatsby-Source Drupal”, Andrew Larcombe “Gatsby, Drupal, inline images and friends”
Contenta CMS an API-First Drupal distribution
Headless Wordpress
- Headless Mode (jedno rozszerzenie działające w prosty sposób, które załatwia większość spraw)
- WP (albo klasyczny edytor)
login: domena/wp-login.php
Cyril Lopez “How to change the WYSIWYG in Strapi” - Image upload on custom CKEditor #4369
GraphGL i query i import. Potem {data} w propsie i mapowanie po wynikach zapytania. W gatsby-config podać typy importowanych danych.
Netlify CI
Drupal: Build Hooks - Drupal 9 compatibility (ta łata niestety stawia nadzwyczajne opory, więc trzeba pójść za radą Hunk #1 FAILED at 1. What’s that mean? i (zakładając, że jesteśmy w rozpakowanym /build_hooks a łata jest w tym samym katalogu co katalog modułu) zadać jej:
patch --ignore-whitespace --fuzz 3 -p1 < ../3153199-5.patch
Potem zzipowanie i instalacja z pliku.
npm install --save gatsby-transformer-remark gatsby-remark-prismjs prismjs
- Prism
- Fidel Sanchez-Bueno “The definitive guide for using PrismJs in Gatsby”
- Jason Brown “Markdown Syntax Highlighting with PrismJS using Unified, Remark, and Rehype”
- “Code highlighting in React using Prism.js”
- Prince Wilson “Migrating from gatsby-remark-prismjs to prism-react-renderer”
- Niklas Metje “Implement PrismJS in GatsbyJS”
- jason ewins “Get PrismJS working in React”
- “Using the Prism.js syntax highlighter”
- GatsbyJS - Gatsby Youtube
- Yoast: Michiel Heijmans “What is a slug and how to optimize it?”
- Free & Open Source Gatsby Themes
- Spectrum Gatsby.js community
- Scott Spence Posts about gatsby
- Josh W Comeau Gatsby articles
- T&S GatsbyJS
- Tutorials / Gatsby
- Posts About the Gatsby Static Site Generator
- Josh W Comeau Gatsby articles
- Ivan Storck Gatsby
- Aparna Joshi Posts tagged as Gatsby
- Gatsby Tutorials and Courses - Thinkster
- Suprabha Blog / Gatsby
- gatsby related posts
- Gatsby - Hashnode Community
- Code-Boost “3 posts tagged with “Gatsby”
Kursy, tutoriale
- Przeprogramowani Olaf Sulich “Gatsby - krok po kroku”
- Ibas “Gatsby Tutorial From Scratch: The Definitive Guide (2020)”
- Taimoor Sattar “Build A Standout Website With Gatsby, Sanity And Stripe”
- Nikola Đuza “Creating a Gatsby blog from scratch”
- Konstantin Münster “How To Build A Portfolio With Gatsby — From Scratch To Deployment”
- Scott Spence “How to Build Your Coding Blog From Scratch Using Gatsby and MDX” | “Gatsby - Full Tutorial for Beginners” [1:11:15]
- /Gatsby - “Build a coding blog from scratch with Gatsby and MDX” | “Add a Table of Contents with Smooth scroll using Gatsby and MDX” | “Globally Style the Gatsby Default Starter with styled-components v5” | “Convert the Gatsby default starter blog to use MDX” | “Creating a Custom React Hook for Gatsby Site Metadata” | “Get your GraphCMS data into Gatsby” | “Use the React Context API with Gatsby”
- Sitepoint Maria Antonietta Perna “Getting Started with Gatsby: Build Your First Static Site”
- The Net Ninja “Gatsby Tutorial” [YT playlist 22 filmy]
- “Create a blog with Gatsby.js”
- Patryk Jeziorowski “React & GraphQL blog Done & Deployed in 10 minutes”
- Shaumik Daityari “Deploy a Gatsby Site on GitHub Pages for Free”
- Shane O’Neill “Deploying a Gatsby website to AWS S3 with HTTPS”
- Medium: Building Highly Performant Masonry Layouts with Gatsby.js | Charles Stover “The difference between create-react-app, server-side rendering, and Gatsby” | Itguymax “Add a custom icon to your Gatsby site in just a few minutes” | “Getting started with Typescript on Gatsby” | Eden Ella “How to Share Components Between React Apps and Gatsby Websites” | Christopher Fitkin “How to Smooth Scroll Links in Gatsby” | Kyle Gill “Image Optimization Made Easy with Gatsby” | David Quick “Dynamically loaded content with RSS and Gatsby”
- #GATSBY David Good “Gatsby Starter Blog: How to Add Header Images to Posts with Support for Twitter Cards”
- “Next.js Vs. Gatsby Vs. Create React App”
- Houssein Djirdeh “Improved Next.js and Gatsby page load performance with granular chunking”
- “How to Make Taxonomy Pages With Gatsby and”
- franleplant “Create a blog with Gatsby.js”
- Rodrigo Pinto “Using your own server with Gatsby, ExpressJS and NGINX with a reverse proxy” | “Passing data between pages in GatsbyJS”
- peter r. white “Making an online store with Gatsby & Shopify: Part 1 - Building the Layout”
- Sam Larsen-Disney Articles Tagged With Gatsby
- “9 Excellent GatsbyJS Plugins I Use For My Niche Sites”
- “Creating my dream tech blog with GatsbyJS”
- Pedro Brandão “i18n with Gatsby” | Danilo Woznica “Advanced blog system in Gatsby”
- Vicki Hawoldar “How-to : React Internationalization (i18n) with Gatsby”
- Jared Palmer “Gatsby vs. Next.js”
- Tapas Adhikary “How to build a serverless app with Gatsby, Netlify and FaunaDB - Part 1”
- Coding Addict “Gatsby Tutorial” [5:30:11] | Gatsby [YT Playlist 3 filmy] | “Gatsby Coffee Shop Website” [4:52:37]
- Traversy Media “Gatsby JS Crash Course” [YT 1:04:33]
- Jason Lengstorf [YT (10)]
- Andrew Mead “Gatsby JS - The Great Gatsby Bootcamp [Full Tutorial]” [YT 4:38:37] | “The Great Gatsby Bootcamp - Full Gatsby.js Tutorial Course” [YT 4:38:37]
- Classsed “Create a GatsbyJS Blog Website Series” [YT playlista 17 filmów]
- LevelUpTuts “GatsbyJS Tutorials” [YT playlist 9 filmów] 2017
- Skillthrive “Gatsby JS: Build a Blog” [YT playlista 27 filmów]
- Code Karate “GatsbyJS Videos” [YT playlist 10 filmów]
- Wrong Akram “Gatsby.js” [YT playlista 4 filmy]
- Zac Gordon “Gatsby Basics Course” [YT playlista 4 filmy]
- whatjackhasmade “Gatsby and WordPress Complete Guide” [YT playlista 27 filmów]
- Traversy Media “Gatsby JS Crash Course” [YT 1:04:33] 2018
- Karl Hadwen “GraphQL Tutorials for Beginners - GraphQL Tutorials - GraphQL Crash Course” [YT playlist 5 filmów]
- Guiding Digital “GatsbyJS” [YT playlist 12 filmów] | “GatsbyJS AWS Hosting” [YT playlist 5 filmów]
- Chris DeSilva “Gatsby Blog from Scratch” [YT playlist 5 filmów] | “How to Use Gatsby Image” [YT 23:54]
- GOTO 2019 • Fast by Default: Near Instant Load Times at Scale with GatsbyJS • Nicolas Goutay [YT 42:12]
- A Designer Who Codes [YT (1)] | “Gatsby JS for Designers” [YT playlist 10 filmów] | A Designer Who Codes “Gatsby JS and Images” [YT playlist 2 filmy] | A Designer Who Codes “React Bootstrap & Gatsby JS” [YT playlist 7 filmów] | A Designer Who Codes “React Bootstrap Cards” [YT playlist 3 filmy] | “Web Fonts & Gatsby JS” [YT playlist 2 filmy]
- overment: “#8 Migracja na Gatsby.js” [9:38] | “#9 Headless CMS” [8:48] | “#10 Blog w Gatsby.js” [YT 7:23]
- Artur Chmaro: “GatsbyJS - Pobieranie danych z GraphQL (Pokedex 🦄)” [YT 16:50] | Artur Chmaro “GatsbyJS - Generowanie podstron (Pokedex 🦄)” [YT 15:52]
- hello roman: “Gatsby.js + GraphCMS 😱 opowieści, skrypty #9” [YT 23:15] | “Gatsby.js + GraphCMS cz. II 😱 opowieści, skrypty #10” [YT 31:18] | hello roman: “Styled components + Gatsby.js” [YT playlist 6 filmów]
- Deam “Resume/CV project” [YT playlist 7 filmów]
- Will Ward “Build a Website With Gatsby” [YT playlist 3 filmy]
- Bytesized “BUILD YOUR FIRST PORTFOLIO SITE with Gatsby.js (TUTORIAL)” [45:26]
- Code Bushi: “Gatsby Image Tutorial” [YT 24:11] | “Fetching Dynamic Data with Gatsby.js” [YT 13:16] 2019 | “Gatsby.js Global State with React Context and useReducer Hooks [YT 23:50] | “Gatsby.js with Tailwind CSS and PurgeCSS” [23:14]
- “15 Best Gatsby Templates & Themes In 2020”
- Reflex A collection of themes and plugins
- Theme UI The Design Graph Framework
- haydn5 / Gatsby-Background-Image-Demo
- tdudkowski / gatsby-scrollspy
- Theme UI: The Design Graph Framework; a library for creating themeable user interfaces based on constraint-based design principles
- Emulsify Design System an open-source tool for creating design systems with reusable components and clear guidelines for teams
- unified provide the building blocks
- Gatsbylius The fastest PWA e-commerce solution
- davidlunadeleon / gatsby-blog-template Template for a personal blog using gatsby
- mrmartineau / gatsby-theme-code-notes A Gatsby theme for publishing code-related notes to your website
- gregberge / smooth-doc Ready to use documentation theme for Gatsby.
- GraphQL - A query language for your API
- The Apollo Data Graph Platform
- Relay the production-ready GraphQL client for React
- urql fast GraphQL client; supports React, Preact, and Svelte (alpha)
- Fullstack GraphQL Tutorial for Developers
- Frontlive: Artykuły w GraphQL
- How To Graphql The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL
- CSS Tricks Alex Lau “A Complete Walkthrough of GraphQL APIs with React and FaunaDB”
- Gatsby GraphQL Query Options Reference
- The Javascript Ninja Graphcool - GraphQL Backend Development Framework - shared/swapi
- “The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to GraphQL”
- Anup Aglawe “What is GraphQL? - A Basic Guide”
- Altair GraphQL Client debug GraphQL queries and implementations
- Strapi “GraphQL vs REST: How to make the right choice?”
- prisma-labs / graphql-yoga Fully-featured GraphQL Server with focus on easy setup | Gbolahan Olawuyi “Setting Up A Graphql Server With Node + Graphql-Yoga + Prisma”
- Diogo Souza “Building APIs With GraphQL in Your Node.js Application”
- Prisma an open-source database toolkit
- Fauna Documentation GraphQL reference
- Flavio Copes: All the GraphQL tutorials | An introduction to GraphQL
- GraphQL Cursor Connections Specification
- CodeWall: /GraphQL Tomek Poniatowicz “GraphQL – hot trend or new standard?” | Laura Weatherhead “GraphQL Pagination using React, Apollo and GraphCMS”
- GraphQL Editor schema designer, ide and online graph maker Blog: “Introduction to GraphQL”; “Boost your GraphQL development with GraphQL Zeus” | Michal “GraphQL tools & libraries”
- GraphQL Query Language
- RdotSilva/React-GraphQL-AppSync-Blog - Severless Blog web application built using React, GraphQL, AWS AppSync and AWS Amplify.
- Medium: Trey Huffine “Build a GraphQL + React App with TypeScript” | Noorain Panjwani “REST to GraphQL in minutes”
- morioh: Castore DeRose “Make CRUD simple with Nodejs, GraphQL, and React” | “Learn full about Crash course on REST, GraphQL and Graphback”
- Charly Poly “From REST to GraphQL”
- article(s) about “GraphQL” Khalil Stemmler “GraphQL’s Greatest Architectural Advantages”
- Discogs - Music Database and Marketplace - /
- Norbert Cyran, Jakub Peczke “GraphQL from Django Developer Perspective”
- Danilo Woznica “Generating TypeScript types and React Hooks based on GraphQL endpoint”
- kimera GraphQL mocks with precision
- Tim Perry “GraphQL the Simple Way, or: Don’t Use Apollo”
- George Nance “Don’t use frontmatter to seperate your markdown files in Gatsby”
- Monika Venčkauskaitė “Implementing GraphQL with React and Node”
- r/graphql “How can I merge 2 schemas?”
- oslabs-beta / obsidian GraphQL, built for Deno - a native GraphQL caching client and server module
- Pragma Build Beautiful GraphQL APIs In No Time
- GraphQL IDE Generates every queries from the schema
GraphQL - YT
- Playlisty
- “GraphQL Full Course - Novice to Expert” [4:05:05] | The Net Ninja “GraphQL Tutorial” [YT playlist 36 filmów]
- Fun Fun Function “GraphQL” [YT playlist 3 filmy]
- Traversy Media Build a GraphQL Server” [YT playlista 5 filmów]
- Artur Chmaro “Podstawy GraphQL” [YT plalist 19 filmów]
- overment “Kurs GraphQL od podstaw / API / alternatywa dla REST / Gatsby / Apollo Server / Prisma / Schema / Resolvers / Graphql Query / CRUD” [YT playlist 6 filmów] - iceener / graphql-tutorial
- Classed “React GraphQL App series (MERNG)” [YT playlist 11 filmów] | “GraphQL Server Series (MERNG)” [YT playlist 5 filmów]
- Will Ward “Full Stack Apollo GraphQL Tutorial” [YT playlist 9 filmów]
- Filmy
- Samuraj Programowania “GraphQL Pierwsze Starcie - Challenge z Mateuszem Domańskim” [3:14:46]
- Honeypot “GraphQL: The Documentary” [YT 27:57]
- Program With Erik “GraphQL vs REST - What is GraphQL and Why You Should Choose It” [18:59]
- Academind “REST vs GraphQL - What’s the best kind of API?” [YT 17:41]
- LevelUpTuts “What Is GraphQL?” [14:28]
- Web Dev Simplified “Learn GraphQL In 40 Minutes” [YT 39:42]
- Coding Tech “Moving Existing API From REST To GraphQL” [YT 23:40]
- Harry Wolff “Why I Don’t Use GraphQL Anymore” [YT 16:28]
- GraphQL Asia “The Case Against GraphQL - Robert Zhu” [YT 31:58] | Facebook Developers “Robert Zhu - Realtime React Apps with GraphQL - React Conf 2017” [YT 23:59]
- Keyhole Software “GraphQL - Why It’s Cool & What You Can Do With It” [YT 33:48]
GraphQL - API
- warrenday / graphql-network-inspector GraphQL Network Inspector
Headless CMS
- Przeprogramowani “Czym jest Headless CMS? | Przeprogramowani ft. code v0.0.4” [YT 13:25] DatoCMS
- Headless CMS - A List of Content Management Systems for Jamstack Sites
- Strapi “Understanding Headless Architecture: What Is It?”
- Erin Barth-Dwyer “5 Reasons To Use A Headless CMS” | Blessing Krofegha “Understanding Webhooks in Headless CMS”
- Sujit.Kumar “10 Headless CMSs (That Marketers Won’t Hate!)”
- headlessCMS | Top Content Management Systems for Jamstack sites
- TinaCMS open-source site editing toolkit for React-based frameworks — Gatsby & Next.js
- Directus Headless CMS & API; Real-time Data Platform
- Prismic headless CMS
- GraphCMS GraphQL Headless CMS with Content APIs
- Cosmic Headless CMS and API toolkit - official JavaScript client
- Syntax - Tasty Web Development Treats “Headless CMS Break Down & Roundup” June 3, 2020
- Sanity platform for delivering content to digital devices and products
- dotCMS Hybrid Headless CMS
- Agility CMS
- ButterCMS Headless CMS and Content API
- Contentstack Content Management System | Omnichannel Experiences
- Publii Static CMS with GUI; sprawdzić
- Prose content editor for GitHub
- Storyblok API-based & Headless CMS as a Service; The only Headless CMS with a Visual Editor
- Grav Flat-File CMS
- StaticGen A List of Static Site Generators for Jamstack Site
- The Google Drive CMS
- Strapi headless CMS - Strapi Documentation | Tutorials | Blog | Github: strapi / strapi | Strapi [YT (3)] | gatsby-source-strapi | Strapi Academy - Strapi Fundamentals Training Course - Community Edition
- *CKEditor- “Creating a new Field in the administration panel” | Alex the Entreprenerd “CKEditor in Strapi Admin with a Custom Strapi Plugin” [YT 17:03]
- Strapi Blog Maxime Castres “Build a static blog with Gatsby and Strapi” 2020
- Strapi Blog Pierre Burgy “Building a Static Blog using Gatsby and Strapi” 2018
- Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols “Strapi introduces new open-source headless content management system”
- Medium: Idan Shoshana “You Should Use Strapi”
- Bartłomiej Dąbrowski “Strapi: Getting started with the Node.js headless CMS”
- Somtochukwu Medua-Ugeh “Get Production-ready with Strapi + Gatsby”
- Jason Lengstorf “Create a Custom Back-End for Jamstack Apps with Strapi”
- jaybanaticla / strapi-azure working Strapi v3.1.3; deployable as an Azure App Service
- MongoDB Ado Kukic “Use MongoDB as the Data Store for your Strapi Headless CMS”
Strapi YT
- Strapi: Strapi Tutorial and Introduction [YT 14:44] | Strapi “Learn GatsbyJS with Strapi Headless CMS” [YT playlist 16 filmów]
- Alex the Entreprenerd “” [YT playlist 12 filmów] | “Learn - Fastest Way to build Node.js APIs” [YT playlist 16 filmów]
- Artur Chmaro “Headless CMS” [YT playlista 4 filmy]
- Alex the Entreprenerd [YT (1)]
- Dr. Shahin Rostami “Strapi” [YT playlista 5 filmów]
- “Getting Started With Strapi” [YT playlist 5 filmów]
- Chris on Code “Creating Custom APIs with Strapi - A Node Headless CMS” [YT 11:03]
- Jason Lengstorf “Set up Strapi as a CMS for Gatsby (with David Kartuzinski) — Learn WIth Jason” [YT 1:31:32]
- Traversy Media “Strapi.js Crash Course | Headless CMS” [YT 25:05]
- Chris Hawkes “Why I Like Strapi” [YT 13:11]
- Tim Ermilov “BxJS - What is Strapi? Exploring headless CMS” [YT 1:26:35]
- “Build Content Rich Progressive Web Apps with Gatsby and Contentful”
- “Gatsby And Contentful — The Headless CMS Approach”
- Netlify Build Plugin: Persist the Gatsby Cache Between Builds
- “Build a blazing fast website with GatsbyJS and Contentful” [1:48:01]
- Jason Lengstorf “Using Contentful and Gatsby Together (with Khaled Garbaya) — Learn WIth Jason” [1:23:04]
- Gatsby: Using Decoupled Drupal with Gatsby | Getting started with Gatsby Cloud and Drupal
- “How to create a headless Drupal site”
- Robert Ngo “Decoupling Drupal with Gatsby”
- Medium: Sergey Linkin “How to quickly configure Drupal as a decoupled API-first system”
- Mike Crittenden “Decoupled Drupal 8 + GatsbyJS: a quickstart guide”
- “Drupal 8 Rain & GatsbyJS Integration - Soup to Nuts Installation”
- pvlatin / drupal-gatsby-ci Ci / cd drupal gatsby
- WP Astra: “Everything You Need to Know About Headless WordPress”
- Shane O’Neill “How to Use Wordpress to Power Your Gatsby Site”
- GraphQL API for WordPress
- Gatsby: Amberley Romo “Getting Started with Gatsby and WordPress” | Tim Smith “How To Build A Blog with WordPress and Gatsby.js” Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
- Lam Tutorial “Gatsby + Wordpress Complete Course” [YT playlista 10 filmów]
- Zac Gordon “Gatsby WordPress Course Prep - Live Stream” [YT playlist 6 filmów]
- Watch and Learn “Gatsby.js + WordPress - Part 01 - Getting Posts & Pages” [YT 34:19]
- Weibenfalk “Gatsby Wordpress full course 2021 | Gatsby for beginners | Wordpress as a headless CMS” [YT 5:43:04]
- WPCasts “Static WordPress Generation with Gatsby” [YT playlista 3 filmy] | WPCasts “Headless WordPress” [YT playlista 6 filmów]
- Buddy effective way to build better apps faster - “Czym jest Buddy? ⌨️ hello roman #55” [YT 28:36]
- “What Is CI/CD—and Why Is It Important for Your Developers?” | “Cloud-Native CI/CD Workflows in AWS: 3 Use Cases”
- CircleCI
- Jenkins
- Travis CI - travis-ci / travis.rbTravis CI Client (CLI and Ruby library)
- TeamCity: CI and Build Server for Developers and DevOps by JetBrains
- “What is the best alternative to CircleCI?”
- Andrew Villazon “Automatically deploying a Gatsby site with Github Actions”
- Deep Dive with Security: AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) free course
- “AWS Application Deployment: Getting Started with AWS CodeDeploy & GitHub”
- Julio Añoveros “How To Create an AWS S3 Bucket”
- Sarah Drasner “Creating an API with AWS: Lambda, DynamoDB, and API Gateway”
- omaidf / PrismX Cloud Security Dashboard for AWS - based on ScoutSuite
- Roberto Frontado “Serverless: Simple CRUD Application in 10 minutes on AWS”
- AWS Icons
- swyx “How to Design Almost Any Backend and Deploy It to AWS with No Code”
- “AWS Basics for Beginners - Full Course” [YT 5:27:20] | “AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2020 (PASS THE EXAM!)” [YT 11:58:36] | “AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate 2020 (PASS THE EXAM!)” [YT 10:26:18]
- nessjs / ness Deploy web sites and apps to your own cloud account effortlessly.
Contact Form
- Traversy Media “Simple Contact Form Submission With Netlify” [YT 11:20]
- Bobby Brennan “Simple Backends: Four ways to implement a “Contact Us” form on a static website”
- LevelUpTuts “How to make a Contact Form in Gatsby with Netlify” [YT 13:24]
- WPCasts “How to Make a Contact Form in Gatsby | Headless WordPress Tutorial” [YT 21:38]
- axios / axios Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- Traversy Media “Axios Crash Course | HTTP Library” [42:19]
- Academind “Sending JavaScript Http Requests with Axios” [13:13]
- Storybook an open source tool for developing UI components in isolation from framework
- Learn Storybook Storybook Tutorials
- Brad Frost Atomic Design
- GatsbyJS Visual Testing with Storybook
- Michael Shilman “Introducing Storybook Args”
- Katarzyna Kotyńska”Starting with GatsbyJS + Styled Components + Storybook”
- Jake Trent “Global Styles In Storybook” | styled-components / createGlobalStyle
Gatsby 4
- Cloudinary - strapi-provider-upload-cloudinary
- Nift a cross-platform open source framework for managing and generating websites
- Notion All-in-one workspace
- Tippy.js Tooltip, Popover, Dropdown, and Menu Library
- 18F Aria-Accordion react-collapse copy-text-to-clipboard
- Bludit Flat-File CMS - themes for Bludit
- Hostman - the easiest cloud hosting for developers
- Francesco Di Lorenzo “How I recreated the Hey “Feed” with AWS Lambda, SES and React”
- Sam Smith “Enhance your web page transitions”
- Syntax Highlighting Theme Generator
Dark mode
- Victor Zhou “A Simple Guide to Dark Mode with Gatsby.js”
- HasOne “How to add dark mode in Gatsby + React Project using CSS/SCSS #2”
- “How to Setup Dark Mode in React”
- Yakko Majuri “Why Dark Mode Is Hard. And How You Can Implement It On Your React Website”
- lifeeric / react-darkmode-toggler Dark Theme UI Button, Toggler
- Joy Bhai Codes “Scalable Dark/Light Theme Toggle button 2021🔥 || CSS JS” [YT 25:26]
- Joy Shaheb CodePen Home - Dark-Light Theme
- code-boost 3 posts tagged with “Gatsby”