Materiały - książki i odnośniki
W nawiasie oryginalny tytuł i data pierwszego wydania.
- Simon Singh “Księga szyfrów”, Albatros 2001, s 447; ISBN: 83-7311-714-8 (“The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography”, 1999)
- Bruce Schneier “Kryptografia dla praktyków”, WNT 2002, s 900; ISBN: 83-204-2678-2 (“Applied Cryptography. Second Edition”, 1996)
- Niels Ferguson, Bruce Schneier “Kryptografia w praktyce”, Helion 2004, s 296; ISBN: 83-7361-211-4 (“Practical Cryptography”, 2003)
- David Kahn “Łamacze kodów. Historia kryptologii”, Zysk i S-ka 2019, s 1762; ISBN: 978-83-8116-632-4 (“The Codebreakers: The Comprehensive History of Secret Communication from Ancient Times to the Internet”, 1996)
- Douglas Stinson, Maura Paterson “Kryptografia W teorii i praktyce” wydanie IV, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN 2021, s 560, EAN: 9788301216672
- Al Sweigart “Cracking Codes with Python” 2018
- “Linux. Bezpieczeństwo. Receptury” Daniel J. Barrett, Richard E. Silverman & Robert G. Byrnes (O’Reilly oczywiście)
- “Hack Proofing Your Network. Edycja polska” praca zbiorowa
- “Hack Proofing Linux. Edycja polska” Patrick T. Lane, James Stander
- Crypto Museum
- Tutorialspoint: Cryptography Tutorial
- Cryptologie - “Why I’m Writing A Book On Cryptography”
- “The Joy of Cryptography” Undergraduate textbook by Mike Rosulek
- Stanford Coursera Cryptography I
- Project Nayuki Cryptography
- Crypto 101 an introductory course on cryptography
- Forums for discussing modern cryptographic practice.
- cryptography — The Cryptography and Cryptography Policy Mailing List
- Khan Academy Unit: Cryptography - Historia kryptografii “1/8 - Dylemat Alicji i Boba, czyli co to jest “kryptografia”?” [YT 1:38] | “2/8 - Szyfr Cezara” [YT 2:34] | “3/8 - Szyfr polialfabetyczny” [YT 2:34] | “4/8 - Szyfr z kluczem jednorazowym” [YT 3:03] | “5/8 - Stabilność częstości występowania różnych liter” [YT 2:16] | “6/8 - Enigma” [YT 10:08] | “7/8 - Tajność doskonała” [YT 4:19] | “8/8 - Generatory liczb pseudolosowych” [6:47]
- AdminAkademia “Kryptografia i jej wykorzystanie nie tylko dla informatyków” [YT playlista 25 filmów]
- Numberphile “Cryptography on Numberphile and Computerphile” [YT playlist 16 filmów]
- AlwaysAsking Security “The Magic of Math in Modern Cryptography” [YT 55:02]
- Amazon Polska “Szyfrowanie na kartce” [YT 1:11:17]
- Pasja informatyki “Seria hakerska - Capture The Flag” [YT playlist 5 filmów]
- Computerphile “AES Explained (Advanced Encryption Standard) - Computerphile” [YT 14:13] | “Secret Key Exchange (Diffie-Hellman) - Computerphile” [8:39] | “Diffie Hellman -the Mathematics bit- Computerphile” [YT 7:04] | “One Encryption Standard to Rule Them All! - Computerphile” [YT 9:10]
- Fireship “7 Cryptography Concepts EVERY Developer Should Know” [YT 11:54]
- Crypto Museum Enigma Cipher Machines
- miandoli/enigma-simulator
- Autoencoder
- alichtman / deadbolt - file encryption tool
- Computerphile “Turing’s Enigma Problem (Part 1) - Computerphile” [YT 18:59] | “Tackling Enigma (Turing’s Enigma Problem Part 2) - Computerphile” [YT 22:48] | “Cracking Enigma in 2021 - Computerphile” [YT 21:19]
- World Science Festival “The Enigma Machine Explained” [YT 7:58]
- Talks at Google “Enigma Cipher Machine History | Ralph Simpson | Talks at Google” [YT 1:16:06]
- tnmoc “The real story of how Enigma was broken - Sir Dermot Turing” [YT 1:07:49]
- Numberphile “158,962,555,217,826,360,000 (Enigma Machine) - Numberphile” [YT 11:51] | “Flaw in the Enigma Code - Numberphile” [YT 10:58] | “Enigma Extra Footage - Numberphile” [YT 8:23]
- Videos By Kevin “Paper Enigma Machine” [YT 17:08]
- Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics “The Inner Workings of an Enigma Machine” [YT 14:03]
- UC Davis “The Enigma Code” [YT 1:05:15]
- The Centre for Computing History “Colossus - The Greatest Secret in the History of Computing” [YT 1:00:26]
- Skeptic “Dr. Andrew Hodges — Alan Turing: The Enigma” [YT 1:39:22]
- Corvus “How the Enigma machine works | Animation” [YT 5:31]
- Doyle New York “Enigma Machine Demonstration” [YT 3:03]
- ajpitv “Jak działa Enigma?” [YT 6:26]
- TechLving “How does the ENIGMA MACHINE work in the IMITATION GAME | MOVIE TECH” [YT 13:00]
- CBS Sunday Morning “The enigma of WWII codebreaker Alan Turing” [YT 7:30]
- World War Two “The Battle to Crack Enigma - The real story of ‘The Imitation Game’ - WW2 Special” [9:40]
- PolisMultimedia “IGF 2011: Jak łamie się szyfry - omówienie na przykładzie maszyny rotorowej Enigma” [YT 2:22]
- Code Bullet “Building an Enigma Machine” [YT 12:07]
- Dave Janelle “Enigma II Encryption Machine & Puzzle - encode & decode cipher” [YT 9:22] | “Enigma Slide Rule Iinear Cipher Encryption machine” [YT 9:18] | “Enigma V Encryption machine with $150 solution challenge” [YT 6:17]
- VilleKoo Virtanen “How Enigma Works” [YT 0:20]
- Videos By Kevin “Pringles Can Enigma Machine” [8:38]
- Bletchley Park “The Enigma Machine - Bletchley Park takes a closer look at how it works” [YT 17:29]
- G B “How Alan Turing Cracked the Enigma Code Using Statistics” [YT 6:56]
- PA3DMI “Bletchley Park Tour [docu in full]” [YT 1:13:51]
- asciimation “3D printed Enigma rotors.” [YT 17:53]
- Gazeta Olsztyńska “Oryginalna maszyna szyfrująca Enigma w Olsztynie.” [YT 4:42]
- Wirtualna Polska “Sekrety maszyn szyfrujących [Enigma]” [YT 16:50]
- ledermueller “Enigma Machine Mechanism (feat. a ‘Double Step’)” [YT 0:39]
- Gideon Samid “The ENIGMA of Modern Cryptography” [YT 8:05]
- Sergio Morales “Arduino 3D printed Enigma Machine” [YT 4:59]
- opensources Building an Enigma emulator and a Bombe | “Enigma: Endless possibilities is not enough” [YT 9:09] | “How to crack the Enigma cipher?” [YT 11:22]
- Henry Hollingworth Enigma machine videos [YT playlist 3 filmy]
- Shaun Durrani “Paper Enigma Machine - CS430” [YT 14:59]
- I Attenborough “Building Enigma Machine using pringles tube” [YT 4:07]
- Stanford “Turing: Pioneer of the Information Age” [YT 1:36:38]
- “The encryption debate is at a dead end”
- “Public Key Cryptography Simply Explained”
- Cryptography Explained
- “Learn cryptography”
- Medium: Emily Williams “Cryptography 101: Data Integrity and Authenticated Encryption” | Mohan Sundar “How to Hide Secrets in Strings— Modern Text hiding in JavaScript”
- “Authentication in Real-World Web Apps with JavaScript”
- “The Basics and Benefits of SSL/TLS”
- ’;—have i been pwned?
- How Secure Is My Password?
- “FBI Tech Tuesday: Strong Passphrases and Account Protection” “Instead of using short complex passwords, use passphrases that combine multiple words and are longer than 15 characters.”
- XKPasswd - Secure Memorable Passwords
- Wikipedia:10,000 most common passwords
- hashcat - advanced password recovery | Tag: hashcat
Menedżer haseł / KeePassXC
- Kacper Szurek “Czy korzystać z Menadżera Haseł? (wady i zalety)” [YT 1:18:44]
- Evir “KeePassXC - świetny menadżer haseł - krok po kroku” [YT 21:59]
- AURACO “#1 KeePass - jak zacząć?” [YT 21:01]
- “Menedżer haseł KeePassXC. Czym jest? Jak używać? Poradnik od sekuraka.”
- “KeePass — jak zacząć swoją przygodę z managerem haseł?”
- Z3S “Podstawy Bezpieczeństwa: Menedżery haseł – który wybrać i jak go używać”
- “KeePassXC – program do bezpiecznego przechowywania haseł w Linuksie”